Wednesday 21 March 2012

Story Line of My ------

The story line my groups has decided to do in our ---- contains the elements of horror, comedy and fantasy. Four/Five Disney Princesses find out that their prince, has married all of them, however under a different name and face. They are so mad they try to kill the prince. He runs away and they all follow. Arial, uses crabs, her sharp tail to hurt people and uses a triton to spear people. Snow White uses her ability to control animals/people to eat her poison apples, which are actually bombs. She gives them to her victim, then runs. The person goes to take a bite, however hears a ticking. The bomb is about to explode. They drop it and run. It explodes. Sleeping Beauty/Aurara, falls asleep in the pathway of people to trip them over. Cinderella, has smashed one of her shoes to use it as a glass weapon. Belle uses her ribbon to choke and books to throw at people. A memorable scene would be there is a lot of chaos going on in the short movie, lots of sound effects, dramatic music and princesses screaming. Then everything goes silent, side view shown of prince running away sprinting at full speed, 2 minutes after princesses running not far behind, then arial flopping 5 minutes after. This will add highly to the comedic section of this film.

    Arial                                                                                      other princesses                                    Prince
   >===o                                                                                          o o o o                                             o

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