Thursday 1 March 2012

Moulin Rouge Scene Notes

Watching the scene the first time:

Dramatic Music
Black and White
Sad music
Establishing Shot
Everyone looks scary
Voices Large and booming
Searches threw city for person
Man crouched down in dark room beside room, really upset, head in arms
Sits down at desk, with tipe writer
Music Lyrics Match the wods typewriter
cuts, fading in and in slow motion
birds eye views
Close up showing emotions
Looks out – long shot. No ones out side window “shes dead” showing that he has nothing
Time lapse – Establishing shot, goes form present time
Flash back
Travels down street quickly, showing lots of time passing

Watching the scene the second time:

Time shot Paris 1900
Movie threatre – it is a film you zoom into
Singing. Hypnotic With Mindwheel – France behind him
Overlay, of man, the one the singer is singing about fades out
Singing describes him
Establishing shot shows weher action takes place
Begins to zoom into cit, flying into
Bildng hight
Priest larger than person
Dolly Shot (zoomes from far away and into city)
Into heart of action
People creapy
Lost Dark souls
Colour black and white
Going down ally ways
Flying over into room – same place as orginal
Small use of colour for sign – main character living
Red – Passion Death
Becoming more saturated in colour
Fade cuts
Scene matches back gorund
“The greatest thing youll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. “
Cut away close up shots of type writer
Communicating Emotions
Time lapes, dance scene, slowed down, disorientation, colour all of sudden, close ups of girls and people having fun,
Close ups of face to show his emotions
Windmill, turning, attention, showing everythings changed skirts turning match cut
Type writer is turning with skirts and lights
Close up of emotions
Looks out of windowns, no one there, nothing left for him.
Close up on emitons
Colour from moulan rouge.
Zoom out showing time passing.
Back into scene and showing that the time has change
New scene
Traiuin scene
Music changing  - peaceful
Match cuts
Sound Getting  heavier – distorshion in music- something dark waiting to happen
People in this scene – same people as before however they are happier. However hthey will become dark and gloomy and lost
There is more colour in this scene, in all of the buildings

I split this scene into two. Firstly how everyone was dark and gloomy, then a flash back when everyone was bright and happy


1 comment:

  1. Some good notes Courtney - but make sure you write up your analysis in paragraph form. Choose mise-en-scene, cinematography, sound or editing to analyse.
