Monday 19 March 2012

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Analysis

1 - Mise en Scene (Tiffany, Earnie, Hilda, Sevanna)
2 - Cinematography (Abbie, Zoe)
3 - Editing (Stephanie, Abbey, Camille)
4 - Sound (Maddy, Me)

Cinematography is a large component in the film, “Internal Sunshine”, as it displays the speed, camera movement and angle position contained within the movie.  The speed varies throughout the whole film to display different emotions that accompany the different occasions held in the clip. When the speed increases, such as when Joel is travelling through his memories, the mood intensifies to make the audience feel tension and suspense. This makes the whole message of the film seem clearer and more effective. Contrasting this, the mood decreases when a romantic scene between Joel and Clementine is apparent. This makes the mood seem slow and relaxed, which conveys that the time with Clementine has been the best memories of Joel’s life. The speed overall contributes widely to the mood and tension displayed throughout the movie.
The camera position also changes within the film to show emotions and happenings in the movie. In one point in the movie the position of the camera was a headshot of Joel, where he is in the doctor office during the erasing of his memory. The camera pans around to the different characters with a lighting to show that it were surreal. Altogether, both the speed and camera position displayed throughout the movie play a important part in conveying the messages to the audiences. 

The sound within Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind consists of vocals that appear realistic and surreal and sound effects that emphasize the deformation of the film. Before Joel begins to destroy his memories, the dialogue appears perfect, clear and normal. However as he is under the procedure, it begins to warp and become surreal. Some words are slowed down, made so they are repeated and their tone changed. By doing this it creates the alternate universe where he searches for Clarantine and tries to escape from his memory being whipped. This is really affected in making the movie appear strange. The sound effects used in the movie consist of ones that built suspense and excaudate certain parts of the movies, for example the times when he is lost within his memories. It adds effect for the audience; they are drawn further into the movie and immersed in what will come next.

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