Monday 12 March 2012

Construction of my Essay

Genre – comedy/ romance
-       Romance brewing between the two main characters
-       The way she ran in the pink dress
-       When she got water thrown at her face

Characters (Characters and Theme)

Through their body language, actions and use of dialogue, the actors in this film have worked well at achieving their characters personalities. Sandra Bullock’s Lucy Kelson shows at first to be an impatient lawyer, however with her own sense of humor, this smart businesswomen blossoms into a caring and well-mannered lady. Her impatience is shown threw her actions such as pencil tapping, quick paced movements when her client is trying to get her to decide what to pick out in the clothing store, and again when she runs into his wardrobe and motions with her hands at the same time as her dialogue “What? What?” George Wade, played by Hugh Grant, demonstrates the characteristics of a young boy. By barely being able to make simple decisions on his own, always looking sad or worried when he says something, as if he is nervous for how people will react and his seating position when in the lawyer’s office, he demonstrates his unique personality. Between the two characters, you can see a small attraction to each other, she pushes him away but he clings to her with every opportunity he gets. Even by making her unemployable so she will have to work for him. There are other genres in this scene other than romance. A majority of it contains the genre of comedy. With the way he is pathetically incapable of anything and her being bossy and controlling, the two characters make a hilarious couple.
-Also by the way she ran weirdly in the pink dress

Cuts and shots (cinematography and editing)

With the inclusion of jump and fade cuts, and certain types of shots in this scene, the storyline flows exceptionally well. From the city to the office and office to the city, jump cuts are shown to express dialogue and change of scenery. Inside the lawyer’s office, mid shots of their body’s were used to show their emotions and actions as they talk about the divorce. After being in the lawyer’s office, the characters then cut straight into the city. Using an establishing shot, the director is able to show the pathway traffic flow and bring across the message of location. Coming out from behind a Kebab stand, the storyline progresses, with more close up shots used to show the audience the close conversation between the main characters, which will provide them with the understanding of this developing relationship. When George paid for his kebab, he handed over an amount that was highly unusual, which would not have been picked up if the director had not over excaudate the exchange. This was achieved by using a close up shot of the money as it was in the Kebab mans hand. Further into the scene, Lucy gives a homeless man a little bit of change, by the end she is arguing with him and has to hurry away with George. To connect the audience with the characters more intensely a panning shot was used to make the viewers travel along as if being a third party walking along side in the scene. 

Notes: Need to refer every thing back to how it is a comedy genre. talk about comedic aspects

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