Wednesday 1 February 2012

Saturated Colours

In graphics and imaging, colour saturation is used to describe the intensity of colour in the image. A saturated image has overly bright colours. Using a graphics editing program you can increase saturation on under-exposed images or visa versa.


These two pictures show how good colour saturation is good at making the world look a lot better and brighter than it is. The ocean appears a lot bluer, cleaner and clearer after saturation. Also the colour of the surfer, his clothes and his board appear a lot more bright. This is very good to use on lots of fantasy movies where parts of characters stand out on their body. For example the 2011 version of "Alice in Wonderland" has this effect used on all of the animals and characters, also some of the scenery.

1 comment:

  1. Courtney - it's great to see you taking these notes on things we cover in class. Make sure you keep up with homework tasks too though...they will be important for your essay assessment coming up :)
