Wednesday 22 February 2012

Jeep Commercial Analysis

The commercial fits really well together. The shots connect well with the background music. As the music becomes louder all of a sudden, the jeeps are shooting out from the water quickly. Showing excitement. The song and rhythm are very upbeat. The editing shows how many adventures that the owners of this car could have over a long time (their life), and if they buy this car they will be able to do anything they want. Graphic matches are used many times throughout the commercial. The relationships between the lines in the road, flow smoothly, showing different places and times. Many people are shown in the same brand of car quickly showing that with this car you can be anything.
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- What comments can you make about the Rhythm of this commercial?
- How does the editing manipulate the passage of time?
- Are there any graphic matches and how are they used to enhance the commercial?

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