Wednesday 22 February 2012

Sahara Introduction

This intro makes the audience believe that:

-the two guys in the photos are really fun ands silly
- even though they went to the navy they still manage to be fun
- they are into science and do lots of experiments
- they travel a lot
- Work hard on their experiments (Coffee --> stays up late - next to experiments)

The music effects this introduction to a large degree.
Two introductions were shown to the class, the first, with an upbeat jazz type song (right place wrong time - by Dr john) and the other, a slow sad ballad (bad dream by Keane). 
With the first song, the two boys seemed fun and silly, with doing a lot of different activities, ranging from science experiments, working in the navy and traveling all over the world. The movie appears as it will be a happy and exciting film about these two men and their next adventure together. 
However, with the second song, the slow sad ballad creates a more dramatic view on these two mens lives. It seems as if one of them has died (e.g.), showing the photos of how he use to be fun and exciting makes it appear an even greater loss. 
This scene's music proves that it is crucial to pick the right music to create the right mood. Different songs can change the scene dramatically, and also the audiences emotions.

1 comment:

  1. Good! This is the right amount of detail to include for a task like this. Well done Courtney!
