Saturday 28 April 2012

Group Idea making

Locations (2)
- Forrest/Wood
- ???

Quotes Incorporated into the movie:
- Famous star wars quote 'I am your father'
- Mean girls quotes ' she doesn't even go here'
(add to comedic side to the film)

Plot Idea:
- The princesses find out the prince is cheating on all the princesses and the same time and they not only get mad at act other, but also the prince. They begin to try to kill him, at the same time fighting each other violently so that they are the one who gets to murder him

Possible POWERS!
Aurora - falls people asleep
Belle - Turns people into objects and objects into people

6 Characters
- Ariel
- Cinderella
-Little Boy (in bloopers)

'Once Upon a Time' or 'Happily Ever After'
In blood -zoom out, its ketchup

Black Horror / Comedy (I will further discuss the theme in another post)
A musical? Break out into song during the film (Could be included in bloopers)

The film must be approx 3 minutes - 3 to 4 pages of script

Editing :

--> Slow motion (matrix style) - when weapons are thrown
--> Black and white flashbacks
--> Focus change whilst the princesses are running
--> Saturation Levels (revise with Mrs Preston - Mrs Preston, If you read this can you please comment on what my group will have to do with this, Thanks)

Sound :

--> Battle scene (high intensity music)
--> Loud sound effects - eg. Twigs breaking under feet/ leaves rustling
--> Side scene - no sound or elevator music

Cinematography :

--> Close ups of prince
--> Fur on his face
--> Close ups of princesses body parts running - to show high level action
--> Lighting is dark due to forrest blocking out sun
--> Camera moving with girls

Mise En Scene :


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