Wednesday 25 April 2012

Character Profile Worksheet

Character Profile Worksheet
Basic Information/Statistics

Name: Ariel
Age: approx 17 years old
Current Residence: Prince Eric’s Castle/Atlantic Ocean
Occupation: Princess
Talents/Skills: Good swimmer/singer

Physical Characteristics:

Weight: 80kg (mermaid) 50kg (human)
Race: Atlantic
Skin Colour: Pale
Eye Colour: Blue
Glasses/Contact Lenses: No
Hair Colour: Bright Red
Facial Shape: Square
Distinguishing Features: Her red hair, bright blue, large eyes, distinguishing appearance,
Style (Elegant, shabby etc): Her style is Elegant, she is a princess so she wears amazing gowns
Dress/Clothing: Sea shell bra, Pink dresses
Mannerisms: She is curious about everything
Hobbies: Swimming/Singing/ Collecting objects from the human World/Venturing into strange and dangerous places – she loves adventure
Favourite Sayings: ‘My father’s gonna kill me’, ‘don’t be such a guppy’ & ‘your not getting cold fins now, are you?’
Speech Patterns: (straight to the point, long winded)

Emotional Characteristics

Strengths: Making friends, caring
Weaknesses: Not following the rules, not choosing sensible decisions, falling in love easily
What motivates this character? Her love for Eric
What frightens this character? Ursula, her father, King Triton, when he is angry
What makes this character happy? Love and discovering new things
Introvert or Extrovert:

What is this Character’s Goal?

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes

Educational Background: Music
Character's short-term goals in life: To become human
How does Character see himself/herself? Someone who is capable of falling in love, not a child
How does Character believe he/she is perceived by others? As a child, incapable of falling around, untrustworthy
How self-confident is the character? She is confident, not dealing with self-esteem issues
Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof? This character is rulled by emotion, she doesn’t realistically think her plans through as much as she should
What would most embarass this character? Her father publically yelling at her
Best Characteristics: Her loving personality
Worst Characteristics: Not thinking things through
Does the character have any prejudices? No she is against that, she doesn’t follow her fathers prejudice towards human, who he sees as dangerous fish eaters

Additional Notes on This Character:

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