Wednesday 30 May 2012

Locations in the Movie


Forest Setting (Happy Forest): A bright and exciting forest, full of light and large happy trees set at around mid-day, just as the sun is highest in the sky. The birds call out to each other, and the sun is high in the sky. The breeze makes the trees sway gently. Before the forest sits a pleasant green meadow.

Forest Setting (Dangerous Forest): A dark misty forest, set at the time of about 3 o’clock in the afternoon.  The trees grow close together and appear hundreds of years old. The ground is covered in broken twigs and fallen leaves. The shadows cast from the trees, creates an intense shade into the forest making it dark and hard to see into it than further than a few feet.

Wedding Setting: A bright chapel equipped with dark brown pews and a large organ that sits in the back. Red Carpet lines the aisle and along the alter. A large picture of Jesus rests on the front wall in front of the alter. Windows along the side walls, some completely transparent and some stain glassed.

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