Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Horror Movie Recipe

Horror Recipe

Dark scenery
1 bloodthirsty murderer
body organs
mysterious house
big barren tree
suspenseful music
creepy clowns
howling sound effects
a six year old girl
a murdered teenager
private detective (father of girl)
kitchen knife

1. Take your dark scenery and place it in the background of the scene, include the big barren tree in this.
2.Have your suspenseful house in front of the background, and make the 6 year old girl and detective/father
live their.
3. Play howling music in the background.
4. Have the six year old girl discover a murdered teenager covered in blood in a bathroom. Also have
suspenseful music playing in the background.
5.Make the private detective (father) be at work, and have the 6 year old girl call the father.
6. As the daughter is talking to the father, make zombies and clowns appear, and have them creepily
crawling towards the house.
7. Make the six year old girl take a kitchen knife and stab a clown. For extra effect, make sure organs pop
out from the clown.
8. Make the father rush home and discover a bloodthirsty murderer inside the house with the daughter.
Make sure blood is rushing all over her.
9. Make the father a detective and discover a knife on the floor.
10. Make him throw the knife towards the murderer. To make it extra creepy make sure the knife lands
right between the murderers eyes.
11. To make sure that the horror movie ends in a happy but creepy way, make the father and daughter
reunite and move to another house to live a perfectly normal life.

Jeep Commercial Analysis

The commercial fits really well together. The shots connect well with the background music. As the music becomes louder all of a sudden, the jeeps are shooting out from the water quickly. Showing excitement. The song and rhythm are very upbeat. The editing shows how many adventures that the owners of this car could have over a long time (their life), and if they buy this car they will be able to do anything they want. Graphic matches are used many times throughout the commercial. The relationships between the lines in the road, flow smoothly, showing different places and times. Many people are shown in the same brand of car quickly showing that with this car you can be anything.
Back to Photo Gallery

- What comments can you make about the Rhythm of this commercial?
- How does the editing manipulate the passage of time?
- Are there any graphic matches and how are they used to enhance the commercial?

Sahara Introduction

This intro makes the audience believe that:

-the two guys in the photos are really fun ands silly
- even though they went to the navy they still manage to be fun
- they are into science and do lots of experiments
- they travel a lot
- Work hard on their experiments (Coffee --> stays up late - next to experiments)

The music effects this introduction to a large degree.
Two introductions were shown to the class, the first, with an upbeat jazz type song (right place wrong time - by Dr john) and the other, a slow sad ballad (bad dream by Keane). 
With the first song, the two boys seemed fun and silly, with doing a lot of different activities, ranging from science experiments, working in the navy and traveling all over the world. The movie appears as it will be a happy and exciting film about these two men and their next adventure together. 
However, with the second song, the slow sad ballad creates a more dramatic view on these two mens lives. It seems as if one of them has died (e.g.), showing the photos of how he use to be fun and exciting makes it appear an even greater loss. 
This scene's music proves that it is crucial to pick the right music to create the right mood. Different songs can change the scene dramatically, and also the audiences emotions.

Sound in Scenes

Music - creates mood to scene
Sound Effects - When certain noises
Dialogue - What the characters saying

When analysing sound consider:
Uses of sound
Qualities of sound
Sources of sound
Timing of sound

DIAGETIC SOUND (see the item making the item) see book falling to the floor and hear the bang
NON-DIAGETIC SOUND (sound unrelated to visuals) weird creepy sound effects

Examples of Editing Techniques

Jump cuts - goes directly from one scene to another
Slow motion/ Montage - scene slows down
Wipe Transition - scene wipes off screen
Still/thaw frame - Same as Freeze Frame
Form Cut - (match cut) similar  e.g.. bone --> space station (also time compression)
Flash cuts - Jump cuts quickly
Fast motion time compression - time passing e.g. flower blooming
Tempo or Rhythm - scene fits music
Freeze Frame - scene freezes

Monday, 20 February 2012

Film Styles - Elements of a Film

Basic film terminology

shot --> edit --> scene

shot : a shot is a continuous piece of filiming without interruption from the time the camera is turned on and starts fuming until it is turned off. in general most shots last for no more han 10 seconds. the camera or subject may move during a shot, however the filming is continuous.

edit : is a break in the film where one shot ends and the next shot begins.
The four common types of edit are:
- cut (straight into the next shot)
- dissolves ( fades into next shot )
- fades ( fades into black or white )
- wipes ( occasionally )

scene: a scene is a collection of shots arranged through editing into a specific order. When reading film it is common to analyse individual scenes rather than specific shots. a scene with two characters having a conversation would likely consist of fewer shots than a fast passed car chase.

A genere: : means kind (French) or sort (Greek genos) is a  loose set of criteria for a category of composition; the term is often used to categorise literature and speech, but is also used for any other form of art.

Film Language:
mise en scene --> cinematography --> sound
                                                       --> editing
Mise en Scene (put in scene) - combination of all the visual elements within the frame (frame: the physical foundry that contains what the audience sees)
Style of acting --> props --> settng --> lighting --> style of acting --> props --> etc

Cinematography - Framing (whats in and out of  the shot)
                           - Camera position
                           - focus
                           - perspective
                           - exposure (under exposed - dark & over exposed - light)
                           - speed (speed camera moving - editing fast)

Graphic relationships: Jump cut: shortens events - match cut: graphic matching of one object visual element with another

Passing of time: rate at which the film operates e.g.. 20 years in 1 hour

Rhythm: beat of the film

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Saturated Colours

In graphics and imaging, colour saturation is used to describe the intensity of colour in the image. A saturated image has overly bright colours. Using a graphics editing program you can increase saturation on under-exposed images or visa versa.


These two pictures show how good colour saturation is good at making the world look a lot better and brighter than it is. The ocean appears a lot bluer, cleaner and clearer after saturation. Also the colour of the surfer, his clothes and his board appear a lot more bright. This is very good to use on lots of fantasy movies where parts of characters stand out on their body. For example the 2011 version of "Alice in Wonderland" has this effect used on all of the animals and characters, also some of the scenery.

Match Cut

Match cuts are similarities in the frame cut but the audience knows that a period of time has elapsed.
Eg a can (brand new) floating in the ocean at night and then fades to an old can (rusty) (exactly the same as first can - except for age) floating in the ocean during the day or a light setting.

A match cut, also called a graphic match, isa cut in film editing between either two different objects, two different spaces or two different compositions in which an object in the two shots that graphically match, often helping to establish a strong community of action and linking the two shots metaphorically.