Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Final Reflection

Part One: Discuss your feelings about the website, poster and promotional materials task:
1.    Are you satisfied with the final result?
I am satisfied with the final result as the pages look good and are well layed out.
2.    Did the website require more/less time than you originally thought?
The website required more time than I originally thought due to trying to relearn how to use photoshop.
3.    Would like to change any aspects of your final project (layout, links, images, colour scheme etc)?
No probably not, however I would like it to be a little bit more interactive rather than just being able to click on hyperlinks.
4.    If you could start the project again what would you do differently?
 Probably include greater information about the movie e.g.. movie reviews

Part Two: Respond to each of the following dot points (using complete sentences or paragraphs). You should include as much detail as possible in your responses.

1.    Discuss whether your website and poster have turned out the way you pictured them?
I really like the way my poster has worked out. It was exactly the way I saw the image however I imagined the title to look a little bit better than it did. The website I imagined would be more interactive, but there is only a limited amount of things you can do on iWeb.
2.    Describe whether your site and poster clearly depicts the intended genre and describe some specific design techniques you have used to achieve this.
I think that it does. It shows how dark and gloomy the movie is, that it is scary. The techniques I have used are mostly the colour scheme (dark).
3.    Did you have all of the necessary resources to complete your site and poster or did you create new materials?
No I did have all the materials I needed
4.    Describe any problems or difficulties you encountered during the process. These may include; technical difficulties, corrupt or missing files, difficulty using the iWeb software, problems exporting files, sound or video etc;
I had some technical problems, firstly with photoshop, having to remember how to use it and and secondly with iWeb, because the program kept wiping what I had done before I saved it.
5.    Clarify how you made use of planning, content-lists and the flowchart during the authoring process;
I used pieces of paper to draw the way I wanted my title page to look like, and made a flow chart to work out where I wanted the pages to link into.
6.    Clarify any time-management issues you encountered during the creative process and describe the steps you took to improve in this area;
I didn't realise that the website would take so long to make, so finishing it last minute was stressful. 
7.    Discuss whether you undertook adequate and detailed reflection throughout your project.
I didn't really reflect on my work through the time I did my project. I should have so I could have something to read back over after I am finished.
8.    Have you provided enough evidence to support your work? (Look back at your blogs/journals and think about whether it looks like a whole terms worth of work);
Probably not. But I will enter more information when I get the chance

Movie Poster

This is the final view of my poster.

My Design Choices

Sample colour scheme:

Font Choices:

Andale Mono
American Typewriter
Apple Chancery

Graphic Elements:

The graphic elements of my website will represent a plain and elegant movie, one that actually had a budget.

Contents of Website:

Characters à Ariel, Belle, Aurora, Cinderella à Photo, Character Profile, Relevant Websites, Information about the Actor
Hyperlink through title à Poster

Contents of Poster:

Images of all characters
Overlaying images
Actors names
“Coming Soon to Theatres”

Possible layout designs for the website:

Front page à picture of forest with the characters peaking out from behind the trees, you click on them and it takes you to their character page.
Front page à Title, click on it and you go to the movie’s poster.

Possible layout designs for your poster:

A forest with the characters peaking out from behind the trees, overlays used and “The Dark Side to Disney” will be largely shown at he top of the poster. “Coming soon to theatres” will be directly under that.

Example Poster

Here is the example poster I made
Title : The Perfect Combination
Slogan : "If there is a will, there is a way. No matter what, we** face lies on the path" - David Wright

Website Research

Question 3: Describe the film including the genre, the style of film, the actors, the story line, (include a synopsis if you can find one).

This films genre appears to be quite dark and gloomy, which you can tell by the choice of colour used throughout the website. With the main colour being black and having reds and golds over the top, the key words stand out vividly. The message comes through clear that this movie is not about happy bunnies and elves, but one with depth. The style of film seems like it would be a drama, due to the websites having it’s own drama. The main actors include, Kristen Stewart, Robert Patterson and Taylor Launtner.

Question Four: Separately discuss the overall feel developed for each film’s promotional materials (is it clean, crisp and bright or dark, moody and grungy etc.)? Be as descriptive as possible, you could discuss the colours, textures, tone and use of movement in the website to create interest in the film.

The overall feel developed by “The Twilight Saga’s” website and promotional feel have given the impression of a dark, moody and deep movie. The use of a dark background with accents highlighted across the page show the drama that has been built up of this film, that once you get to the site, the highlighted things are exactly what the audience has been looking for. The website has been set out clearly with the title bold in the top right, the links off that to the parts of the saga, hyperlinks underneath and then large moving posters to advertise further for the franchise. The websites movement is very fluid, as you scroll across the page; the hyperlinks come to life and light up when you hover over them. This method intensifies the intensity that this site has, as if it screams “Click me. Click me,” Every time you are near them.

Question Five: For the film reflect on how the film’s website is laid out. Look at the links, font and how the information or promotional materials are presented. Create a ‘tree’ diagram, which diagrammatically shows how the pages are linked together.

Question Six: Identify the Target Audience for your site? ( Who are they? What age? Interests, etc.) and discuss whether you feel the website is effective in appealing to this intended audience.

The target audience for this site consists of a multi gender, multi sex market. The website does not display a single sex or single gender aspects such as any pink, sparkly items (for girls) or any blue, trucks (for boys). Therefore the website is effective in appealing to its intended audience

Question Seven: Talk about what you like/dislike about the promotional material for the film. Why?

I really like how on the website, there has been a lot of information covered, not only on the overall saga, but it has gone into detail about each movie. I don’t like how there is over whelming information on the home page, you don’t really know where to start or look.

Question Eight: Find a poster or advertisement for each film, save the image in to your folder and insert here. In as much detail as possible.

The colour scheme shown in this advertisement contains warm, cool and exciting colours. The colours of the outfits of the three main characters standing in the foreground show that Edward (Left) is the vampire (cold skin) by using blue, Jacob (right) is a werewolf (hot skin) by using red. These two colours are opposite on the colour wheel, which also represents their relationship. These two characters are completely against each other. The hints of red in the sky suggest the breaking dawn (like the title). The focal point on this poster is the main three characters in the foreground. They are the most crucial to the story line so they are being highlighted in this poster. A sense of balance has happened by using a balance of colour among these three characters. Edward (Left) and Bella (Middle) are both wearing more pastel colours that together draw as much attention as Jacobs (right) red shirt. The sense of harmony has been created with the way in which the characters have been placed through the frame, with people separated evenly across the screen. The elements that unite together to make the advertisement effective are the dominant colour scheme and the high contrast of outfits between the background characters and the foreground characters. The overall message being communicated about the film through the visual language in the poster is one that whispers “We are coming”. The stance that they are in is one of protecting each other, yet ready to fight at the same time.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Timecode in Final Cut Pro

In video editing, a timecode is a special signal that is recorded with your video that provides a unique identifier for every frame on a videotape by creating a timestamp in hours, minutes, seconds and frames. The timecode of a video uses the following format: 01:23:45:28 (hours: minutes: seconds: frames).

The timecode was invented in the late 1960s in order to give editors the ability to use computer video editing systems that can find specific frames and also record editing decisions that can be performed over and over again. In 1967, the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) recognized several electronic timecode formats. However, the format shown above has since become the standard for timecodes in video.

Timecodes and Final Cut Pro

Final Cut Pro uses the video timecode for synchronization between audio and video clip items. It also uses timecode is to create project interchange objects (such as Edit Decision Lists). Additionally, Final Cut Pro uses the timecode for recapturing clips from tape or other media. Whenever you play clips in Final Cut Pro, the program displays the timecode of the media and also uses the timecode to allow you to navigate in your clips and sequences.

Displaying the Timecode in Final Cut Pro

In Final Cut Pro, a clip's timecode is displayed by default, and the program reads the timecode from the timecode track on the tape or media. Final Cut Pro stores timecodes in media files and not directly on the clip. This timecode is often referred to as the source timecode because it is the same value as the timecode on the original source tape. If the display source timecode is being displayed, you are viewing the timecode that comes directly from the timecode track on the media files or tape.

Timecode Display Options in Final Cut Pro

Final Cut Pro offers many display options for timecodes. However, not all of the display options will be available for all frame rates. Nevertheless, the program supports the following timecode display options:
  • Non-Drop Frame: The counter of the timecode updates at a consistent rate without skipping or dropping numbers in the count. The non-drop frame timecode display is available for all frame rates supported by the program.
  • Drop Frame: With this display type, frame 0 and 1 are skipped during the very first second of every minute of footage. The exception to this is when the minute number is exactly the advisable by 10. Final Cut Pro does not display dropped numbers as they have been dropped and are not located on your media or tape. This type of display is only available for frame rates of 29.97fps or NTSC media files.
  • Frames: When timecodes are displayed this way, an absolute frame rate count is displayed rather than hours, minutes, seconds and frames. This this option is available for any frame rate.
  • 60 @ 30: This display option shows 60 fps video with a 30 fps timecode. You can use this option to display timecode for 60fps formats, such as 720p60, using a more familiar 30fps timecode. This option will allow you to match the timecode display on many VTR's that support 60fps formats. Each timecode number represents two video frames, and the second frame is indicated by an asterisk (*). Final Cut Pro only allows this option with 60 and 59.94 frames per second high definition files.
  • Feet + Frames: This option displays the timecode in terms of film feet and frames and uses the default film standard assigned in Project Properties. You can change the current film standard in your project by going to Project Properties and selecting an option from the Default Film Standard pop-up menu

Source (TEXT) : http://www.steves-digicams.com/knowledge-center/how-tos/troubleshooting-repair/timecode-in-final-cut-pro.html#b

Source (IMAGE) : http://www.google.com.au/imgres?q=timecode+in+final+cut+pro&um=1&hl=en&client=safari&sa=N&rls=en&biw=930&bih=496&tbm=isch&tbnid=QyDloGsi51or-M:&imgrefurl=http://provideocoalition.com/index.php/ssimmons/story/you_can_have_a_large_timecode_display_in_final_cut_pro/&docid=p9jHv_0lUZbN1M&imgurl=http://provideocoalition.com/images/uploads/fcp-loupe-window.jpg&w=350&h=292&ei=bqopUM_QOsLYigfo2YCYDQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=106&vpy=26&dur=230&hovh=205&hovw=246&tx=158&ty=96&sig=110109465432703954950&page=1&tbnh=144&tbnw=173&start=0&ndsp=8&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:73

Three Point Lighting

Three-point lighting is a standard method used in visual media such as video, film, still photography and computer-generated imagery. By using three separate positions, the photographer can illuminate the shot's subject (such as a person) however desired, while also controlling (or eliminating entirely) the shading and shadows produced by direct lighting.
The key light, as the name suggests, shines directly upon the subject and serves as its principal illuminator; more than anything else, the strength, color and angle of the key determines the shot's overall lighting design.
In indoor shots, the key is commonly a specialized lamp, or a camera's flash. In outdoor daytime shots, the Sun often serves as the key light. In this case, of course, the photographer cannot set the light in the exact position he or she wants, so instead arranges it to best capture the sunlight, perhaps after waiting for the sun to position itself just right.

The fill light also shines on the subject, but from a side angle relative to the key and is often placed at a lower position than the key (about at the level of the subject's face). It balances the key by illuminating shaded surfaces, and lessening or eliminating chiaroscuroeffects, such as the shadow cast by a person's nose upon the rest of the face. It is usually softer and less bright than the key light (up to half), and more to a flood. Not using a fill at all can result in stark contrasts (due to shadows) across the subject's surface, depending upon the key light's harshness. Sometimes, as in low-key lighting, this is a deliberate effect, but shots intended to look more natural and less stylistic require a fill.
In some situations a photographer can use a reflector (such as a piece of white cardstock mounted off-camera, or even a white-painted wall) as a fill light instead of an actual lamp. Reflecting and redirecting the key light's rays back upon the subject from a different angle can cause a softer, subtler effect than using another lamp.
The back light (a.k.a. the rimhair, or shoulder light) shines on the subject from behind, often (but not necessarily) to one side or the other. It gives the subject a rim of light, serving to separate the subject from the background and highlighting contours.
Back light or rim light is different from a kick in that a kick (or kicker) contributes to a portion of the shading on the visible surface of the subject, while a rim light only creates a thin outline around the subject without necessarily hitting the front (visible) surface of the subject at all.

Time Line

Introduction to Final Cut Space

Example of Final Cut Space

Filters that are Useful

Converting Kodak Zi8 Files for use in IMovie and Final Cut

Open MPEG - Streamclip

Select this icon from your applications folder or the Dock

Opening Files
To Open a video file, simply drag it into the centre of this window

Example of an open file

Export for Editing
On the top menu select: File
Then select: Export to Quicktime

Ensure you match these settings:
- Apple Intermediate Codec
- Frame Size: 1280x720

Using Final Cut Express or Pro

Open Final Cut from the Dock by selecting this icon.

The Final Cut Interface

Check your project setting
Click on the Browser window
This is where your clips and sequences will later be stored

Adjust your settings
Go to the Final Cut Pro menu and select easy setup

Adjust your project settings
Set your project Format to Apple Intermediate Codec with a Rate of 29.97 fps (frames per second)
Use the exact options indicated below

System Setting and Sequences

Go to the Final Cut Pro menu and select System Settings
Set all scratch disks to the location of your project
Create a new sequence for your project by ring to the file menu and selecting new sequence.

Friday, 20 July 2012

Scenes Titles

Scene 1 - Once Upon A Time (this is the opening of the story where the camera is outside of the forest                                                           smoothing the film into action.)

Scene 2 - Till Death Do Us Part  (this is the scene in which the characters are introduced and notice the prince walking in the forest and the flashback to their weddings occurs)

Scene 3 - The chase (this its he scene where the princesses realise what their prince has done to them and have decided to chase and hunt him down)

Scene 4 - Revenge is sweet (the princesses in this scene kill the handsome prince charming)

Scene 5 - Surprise (Ariel kills the princesses in this scene and writes 'Happily Never After' on a tree in blood)

Scene 6 - Happily Never After (Credits and Bloopers)

Shot List

Production Title: The Dark Side To Disney Shoot Date:
Shot No. Shot Name Scene No. Location Shot Movement Description of Action Characters Lighting Notes
Type Angle Type
1   1 Forest (Outside) Estab Long   Still Voice over "Once Upon A Time in a Far Far Away Land, there lived four beautiful princesses and a handsome prince. Do not be fooled land dwellers, for this is no story of love, but one of betrayal, bloodthirst and revenge." (female voice) Birds chirp in the distance, sun is setting. No characters Day light, Natural Lighting
2   1 Forest (Outside) Estab Long Moves from looking straight at the foret to a low angle shot Still The voice over continues on and the womans voice begans to deepen and become darker. Fog seeps around the base of the trees, making it hard to see into the forest. The sun has set and everything has become dark and sinister looking No characters Day light, Natural Lighting
3   1 Forest (Outside) to the inside Zoom   Zoom The camera propels into the forest, zooming through the trees, dodging trees. Pushing aside the fog as it moves. The title mists out of the fog and hangs on the screen for several seconds before fading away. No characters Day light, Natural Lighting
4   2 Forest (Inside) Close Up   Zoom/Still The camera zooms into show two slender hands holding onto a book, walking though the forest. Birds are chirping somewhere in the distance, the camera holds for a few seconds . Aurora Day light, Natural Lighting
5   2 Forest (Inside) Mid/Long Shot   Panning Out The camera pans out to show Belle walking though the forest reading a book. The sound of a twig breaking makes her lower her book and glance up, her face splits into a smile as she advances towards the camera. Aurora Day light, Natural Lighting
6   2 Forest (Inside) Close Up   Still/Pan The camera pans with a pair of feet running though the forest. One foot supports a blue and white nike sneaker while the other, with painted nails, moves in sync. Cinderella Day light, Natural Lighting
7   2 Forest (Inside) Mid/Long Shot   Zoom/Still The sound of a twig breaking makes her stop running and remove her headphones. She smiles and begins to advance towards the camera. Cinderella Day light, Natural Lighting
8   2 Forest (Inside)     Still The close up of a mouth, widely open  is show. The sound of snoring is heard and the camera slightly fogs as she exhales Aurora Day light, Natural Lighting
9   2 Forest (Inside) Long Shot   Zoom Zooming out to a mid/long shot, the camera shows Aurora sleeping proped up against a tree. Aurora Day light, Natural Lighting
10   2 Forest (Inside) Long Shot   Still An apple drops from the tree branch abover and hits Aurora on the head, causing her to wake with a start. Aurora Day light, Natural Lighting
11   2 Forest (Inside) Close up   Still Aurora wakes with a start Aurora Day light, Natural Lighting
12   2 Forest (Inside) Close Up   Still Aurora looks over at the sound of a twig breaking. Aurora Day light, Natural Lighting
13   2 Forest (Inside) Mid Shot   Still Smiling widely, beginst to get up Aurora Day light, Natural Lighting
14   2 Forest (Inside) Long Shot   Still Ariel walks through the forest picking up sticks, pinecones and random pieces of trash muttering to herself Ariel Day light, Natural Lighting
15   2 Forest (Inside) Close up   Still Ariel looks up at the sound of a twig breaking, she smiles Ariel Day light, Natural Lighting
16   2 Forest (Inside) Long Shot/ side shot   Still A side shot of the prince walking his dog in the park.  Prince Charming and his Dog Day light, Natural Lighting
17   2 Forest (Inside) Mid Shot   Still The screen splits into four vertical strips, each containing a midshot of the princeses as they advance towards the camera, still all smiling Ariel, Aurora, Belle and Cinderella Day light, Natural Lighting
18   2 Forest (Inside) Close Up   Still A close up of Prince charmings face shows confusion & panic as he looks back and forth between the four princesses. A quick heart beat can be heard. Prince Charming Day light, Natural Lighting
19   2 Forest (Inside) Close Up/ Long shot   Zooming out The camera begins to zoom out into a long shot  while prince charming is frozen on the spot, unable to move. Until the camera has reached the point where it is in a long shot. The camera holds for several seconds. Prince Charming Day light, Natural Lighting
20   2 Forest (Inside) Long Shot   Still The prince turns quickly and runs away screaming waving his arms in the air. Leaving his dog where he once stood. Prince Charming and His dog Day light, Natural Lighting
21   2 Forest (Inside) Long Shot   Still The four princeses try to work out what has happened, slowing their pace as they wonder into a clearing.They look around at each other. Ariel, Aurora, Belle and Cinderella Day light, Natural Lighting
22   2 Forest (Inside) Long Shot   Still As the princeses continue to look at each other attempting to realise what is going on, an overlay plays of a wedding scene. Ariel, Aurora, Belle and Cinderella Day light, Natural Lighting
23   2 Forest (Inside) Mid Shot   Pans with bride [Overlay] A woman in white walks down the asile, she is the only person in focus, two people in black stand at the end of the asile and people are sitting in the pews of the chapel. View from the back of the princess. The camera moves down the aisle with the princess. Aurora & Prince Charming Day light, Natural Lighting
24   2 Forest (Inside) Close Up   Still [Overlay] The picture cuts to a side view of the woman in white reaching for the man in blacks hand, He takes her hand and leads her to the alter. Aurora and Prince Charmings (hands) Day light, Natural Lighting
25   3 Forest (Inside) Close Up   Still [Overlay] The picture cuts to the priests hands as he holds the bible. Priest (hands) Day light, Natural Lighting
26   3 Forest (Inside) Close up   Still [Overlay] The picture cuts to the face of the prince, smiling at his bride. Aurora Day light, Natural Lighting
27   3 Forest (Inside) Close Up   Still [Overlay] The picture cuts to the face of his bride, Auora smiles back at him, her face changes to Ariels, who changes to Cinderellas to Belles, back to Aurora etc. Ariel, Aurora, Belle and Cinderella Day light, Natural Lighting
28   3 Forest (Inside) Close Up   Still [Overlay] A close up of a ring sliding onto a finger, and then a different ring on a different finger and then another (like with the princesses faces) The words of four woman and one male say "Till death do us part" Ariel, Aurora, Belle, Cinderella and Prince Charmings (hands) Day light, Natural Lighting
29   3 Forest (Inside) Long Shot   Still The overlay fades away and the four princesses have finally relised what has happened. Ariel, Aurora, Belle and Cinderella Day light, Natural Lighting
30   3 Forest (Inside) Long Shot   Flip The princesses run past the camera and the camera follows them, fliping all the way over so it films them running further into the woods. Ariel, Aurora, Belle and Cinderella Day light, Natural Lighting
31   3 Forest Below Knee Close-Up Side Following Prince Running from Princesses, Camera Zooms from Princes feet to Princesses. Leaves Crunching. All (Except Reverend) Natural Lighting, A little dark
32   3 Forest Close-Up Mouth Front On Zooming from Prince to Princesses Princes mouth is panting, camera zooms to princesses mouth and Princesses are growling. Prince and One Princess (Any) Slightly lightened face, creating shadows
33   3 Forest Side Shot, Medium Side Following Actors Princesses are throwing objects at Prince, Prince is scared and Princesses are angry All (Except Reverend) Sunset lighting, slightly dark
34   3 Forest Close-Up Side Turns to show face & Following A Princesses is still chasing, but camera turns to see face One Princess (Any) Sunset lighting, different colours.
35   4 Forest Split Screen, Close- Up Front On Zooms up on face to see eyes Screen is split into four sections, showing all princesses face to enter the memory All Princesses Slightly dark in background
36   4 Forest Princess POV Front On (POV) Running with Princess Princess is following Prince, throwing objects at Prince, yelling and screaming Prince and One Princess (Any) Dark, but soft light on characters, creating shadows on the ground
37   4 Forest Princess POV Front On (POV) Moving with Princess Camera stops, and you see Princesses begin to surround the panting (and frightened) Prince. Prince is asking for forgiveness. Princesses throwing codes. All (Except Reverend, and Ariel) Dark Sunset, Shadow on characters creating a dark mood.
38   4 Forest Long Shot > POV     Princesses surrond the prince angry with arms crosses. While the prince looks worried, looking frantically around, searching for an exit. Prince. Aurora. Belle. Cinderella. Natural lighting through the forest.
39   4 Forest POV from Prince     Screen is hazy. The princesses (apart  from Ariel) are angry as they are stabbing him. Prince. Aurora. Belle. Cinderella. Dark.
40   4 Forest Long Shot   Side view > to front view The three princesses walking forward in a line. From Side View Aurora. Belle. Cinderella. Natural lighting through the forest.
41   4 Forest Long shot   Front View All three princesses walking forward, looking at their bloody hands and smiling at their success in revenge. Aurora. Belle. Cinderella. Natural lighting through the forest.
42   5 Forest Mid Shot   Front View Belle: "Wait", they all stop "Where is Ariel?". Looks towards other princesses. Cinderella "Probably fell into water somewhere." All: Laugh. Aurora. Belle. Cinderella. Natural lighting through the forest.
43   5 Black Screen       Completely black, and we hear Aurora, Belle and Cinderella screaming. Aurora. Belle. Cinderella.  
44   5 Forest Floor Eagle View Above   Princesses laying on the ground dead. Blood everywhere. Aurora. Belle. Cinderella. Natural lighting. We can darken in edit.
45   5 Forest Over the shoulder shot   Camera zooms out as she is writing The camera is looking over Ariel's shoulder, as she writes in blood, "Happily Never After", on the tree. Sound: noise of her sketching on the tree. End of scene, she laughs. Ariel Dull and Dark
46   6   Long Shot   The action moves from the bottom of the shot to the top The credits appear. The screen is black with white writing. The credits are moving up the screen. Everyone that helped during the film.  
47   6   Long shot   The camera stays still the whole time. The bloopers show in all different sections of the screen. The rest of the screen is black. This part turns the film into a comedy movie. Everyone that helped during the film.  

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Due On Blog

1. notes of protagonists/antagonists from BB
2. Developing the plot notes from BB
3. Genre recipe for your own plot
4. Character profile from your own film
5. Storyboarding notes
6. Interview with a Vampires synopsis
7. Scanned storyboard of ship task

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Film Synopsis


The scene opens to the side view of forest. All is well and the forest appears as normal. Bird’s chirp somewhere in the distance and the sun shines brightly in the sky. “Once Upon a time…” a voice over smoothly awakens the story. “… in a Far Far Away land, there lived four beautiful princesses and a handsome prince.” The woman’s voice begins to become harsh and cold, one that you would not like to associate yourself with. The forest becomes dark and gloomy as the sunsets. Fog begins too loom at the edge of the forest, leaving the audience unable to see a few feet into the trees. “Do not be fooled land-dwellers, for this is no story of love, but one of betrayal, blood thirst and hatred. This was the Dark Side to Disney.” At the last words, the title seeps out from the fog and onto the screen whilst the music begins to play. A dolly shot through the fog, scatters it, and moves into the forest. Zooming through the forest, avoiding trees, the music begins to pick up speed. The time has reversed back to around noon. After flying further into the forest for ten seconds, the camera has zoomed all the way into a bound book and the music simultaneously stops. Two slender hands grip to each side to prop it upright. The sounds of birds chirping can be heard in the distance. Holding the frame for two seconds, the camera pans out to a medium shot to show Belle walking along reading. She lowers the book as the sound of a broken twig is heard ahead of her. Glancing up she smiles at something. You can then see a pair of female feet running with only one shoe on. Her toenails are painted baby blue. The camera pans up and out to a long shot of Cinderella jogging. She is dressed in a blue exercise out fit, her headphones are in and her hair is sleeked back into a high ponytail. She stops jogging suddenly and a close up of her face is shown. Her eyes lock onto something and her face brakes from a look of concentration to a smile. The screen then shows a female mouth, hanging wide open with its tongue balancing slightly on its lower lip. The camera pans out into a long shot to a show Aurora sleeping under a tree. Her body is propped up against its trunk as she dozes. An apple falls from the tree’s branches and lands by her side. She wakes with a start. A close up of her face is show and she glancing up and notices something, then smiles. Ariel is then shown wondering around through the trees murmuring to herself and picking up pinecones and twigs.

A jump cut then shows a long shot of Prince Charming, wondering through the forest walking his German Sheppard dog.
A jump cut splits the screen into four vertical strips, with one princess smiling inside each. They begin to advance towards the camera. A close up of the Prince Charming’s face is shown, which zooms in on his expression. He watches as the four princesses advance on him, smiling. By the time the camera reaches a close up on the Princes Face, everything goes silent except for the faint sound of a fast beat. A long shot then shows the prince hesitate for four seconds, then dropping the dogs lead and beginning to bound away, waving his hands in small circles out at his sides. A long shot shows the four now confused princesses jogging up towards the opening where the prince was standing, each on a different pathway. Upon reaching the clearing, where their prince once stood, it takes a few seconds to register what has happened. They survey each other, looking up and down at the other girls. Finally realizing why the prince has acted the way he has, they begin to run after him.

A jump cut then shoes a pair of feet in pink ballet flats running through a forest littered with broken branches and crinkled leaves. The screen shoots to a close up of a side view of Aurora’s mouth. She is breathing heavily and vapor makes its way into the air. A mid shot of Aurora is shown in the foreground. Unfocused in the background, another girl runs a few meters ahead of her. Aurora comes out of focus and Belle, next to her, comes into focus. The back shot of Prince Charming moving through the forest is a long shot of his whole body. Items such as pine cones and a book land nearby him, some almost hitting him. A shot of Ariel and Cinderella, rearming whatever they can get their hands onis shown. He stumbles, just to regain himself and continues to run. A view of Aurora’s face is shown, zooming in, finally ending one of her pupils. The black of the eye turns to white, and the white becomes opaque, showing a view down a chapel aisle. The pews are dark brown and a large image of Jesus overlooks a priest and groom standing by the alter. A red carpet runs down the aisle, covered in flowers. Wedding music begins to play, and the back view of a blonde girl in a wedding dress appears. She walks down the aisle, and the camera tracks with her. A mid-shot of the prince is shown, with the look of love on his face. He looks at his princess as if there is no one else in the world. She makes her way to next to him, and they both turn to face each other. The priest hanging a few steps closer to the alter begins his speech. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to…” his voice begins to drown out, “…witness the …”. Music begins to play. A close up of their faces are shown, gaping intimately into each others eyes. Another long shot, side view of the couple is shown. The priest’s words come back into focus, and he says “You may kiss the bride.” The two move a little positioning their body beginning to lean in, out of nowhere Aurora changes to Belle, who changes to Cinderella, who changes to Ariel, who changes back to Belle, to Aurora, to Cinderella, to Ariel. Changing faster and faster until the bride and groom are only one centimeter away from each other’s lips. When black burns out the image, zooming out from Aurora’s pupil yet again, she screams with rage and runs harder and faster at the unfaithful prince. Ariel is the slowest runner of all the princesses, she trips over and falls into a puddle of water. Her legs turn into a long green tail. “Dammit!”, she sighs under her breath, and lies face down into the dirt to take a catch her breath.

Belle comes into shot, running about ten meters between Aurora and Cinderella. With only Belle in focus, it is hard to see what is happening to the other princesses. Suddenly something pulls Aurora into a near by bush. Both Cinderella and Belle stop when they notice her absence. In the background, still unfocused, Cinderella gets knocked over by something and vanishes. Belle begins to panic, a close up of her face show her worry. Something makes her turn quickly. “No! PLEASE NO!” she begs. A spine-curling scream reaches out of her lips and the screen goes black, with the scream still being heard. The prince slows down his running; he turns and smiles to himself, knowing that his wives must have finished each other off. Gentle music quietly plays and sound effects of twigs breaking under his feet are heard as he begins to wonder further into the forest. Suddenly he comes across the body of Aurora. Her face is covered in deep wounds, making her almost unrecognizable. A close up of the princes face show his fear. He wonders on, walking a little faster. A worried look plastered across his face. He looks back, almost tripping over something propped up against a tree. Belle sits there, a large smile plastered across her face. Her hair is tangled into a mess.  A close up of the princess face show his fear. Sound effects make his emotion more intense. He breaks into a run. Finally coming across the body of Cinderella, with her body covered in shards of glass. He begins to run in another direction. He stops in his tracks when he sees movement nearby.

Ariel wonders out from behind a tree, slightly humming to herself. Moving around the tree she lifts a finger and slowly writes, Happily Ever After in blood on the trunk in big letters. Turning back to the camera, her mouth splays out in a twisted smile. Her eyes have changed from her normal blue to a bright red, and have developed a sinister absence. She pulls out from her belt, a dagger and silently throws it at the prince. The sound of impact can be heard and the escape of air out of the prince’s lungs. Her finger, still covered in blood reaches up to her mouth and she sucks off the rest of the blood. Turning back towards the rest of the trees, the nursery rhyme music begins to play. As Ariel disappears into the forest, the screen drops to a lower angle, then finally hitting the floor. The princes’ hand can be seen falling onto the dirt of the forest floor. The screen fades slowly to black as droplets of blood drip off the ends of his fingers. The screen turns to black and the credits are displayed on the screen.